Sudhakar Nandury

Sudhakar Nandury

Business Coach

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A Business Coach for MSMEs and start ups, Mr. Sudhakar has been in the field of Branding and communication for 30 years and as a business coach for the last 3 years.. He is passionate about shifting the mind-sets of MSME business owners to improve their BUSINESS PERFORMANCE and taking them to a different level of operations.

He focusses on:

Streamline working systems, Create job profiling and Bench marking , Identify the work flow and its bottle necks. Supporting employees in their professional development, Streamlining internal and external communication, Branding your company / Product /Services.

Professional Learning: NLP Practitioner, Dip In Advertising and Marketing from XIC, Mumbai, Dip. in Personal Management and Industrial Relationship.

He is Business Coach at




Business Coach

Branding & Communication

NLP Practitioner
